keep it r e a l. be in love with your life. every minute of it.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

I asked my parents and siblings to describe my family in one word, and these are the words they came up with. Unfortunately my mothers choice of dysfunctional did not make the cut for the list. 


That pretty much sums up my family. Every single one of us have a different personality, which makes for a good time all the time (the definition of good time can mean for us or for the bystander whom ever it may be). I love my family with all my heart and I do not know what I would do with out them. Over the years I have learned that they are going to be some of my best friends forever. Since moving away from home in August I have developed a relationship with each of my siblings that is so different than before. Being so far away from them is so hard, but makes the reunions so worth it. Have you ever cared about an individual so much that when you see them sad, or mad, or happy you feel that emotion with them? That is how I am with my brothers and sisters. With the exception of Cooper, he is usually angry and I just think it is funny. I love him though. 

Fun throw back, bare with me.

Bailey Brett, my first sister/ sibling ever. Just had to throw this picture on here because I love it so much. My family used to live in Florida, and Bailey and I actually had some color to our skin. 

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